Traditionally an American holiday, we inherited Black Friday back in 2013 and through the physical fighting for TV’s and sleepless nights staring at loading screens – the country will be needing deals more than ever. From previous years of Black Friday chaos, we all know that the high saving products sell out the quickest. The demand for deals is so high that retailers have now taken to starting their sales more than a week early and offering special quick-fire deals each day leading up to Black Friday. In the retail rush of Black Friday here are some quick tips to help you bag the deals you need.

1. Be Prepared

Black Friday is not for the last-minute impulse buyers, being prepared will get you exactly what you want and the more preparation you do before the less likely you are to encounter the dreaded site crashes and ‘sold out’ signs. Before Black Friday, make lists of products you need, their retailers and your budget is a perfect way to make sure you don’t overspend and stray off to products you may not need. Having the knowledge of the retailers you want to shop with before the day gives you the chance to create any accounts and sign up to e-mail updates or notifications if you choose to use apps to shop.

2. Be Aware

In the lead up to Black Friday, there have been many reports of scams and hidden terms and conditions. The best way to fight these are to make sure you know the website you are buying from is safe. Check that there are no hidden fees and that the returns policy is still the same as it usually is.

3. Be Quick

The early bird certainly catches the worm when it comes to Black Friday. Many retailers start their online deals at midnight and to catch the best deals may mean refreshing the pages a few times until you get through. Last year online transactions peaked at 00:04 on Friday, however at 3am sales dropped off, leaving many deals still available and no site crashes to slow your purchases.

4. Be Patient

Something you are going to need a lot of on Black Friday is patience. If you are joining the early morning rush of shoppers, expect those websites to crash a lot of times. Not only do you need patience on Black Friday but also knowing that Cyber Monday is just around the corner and what items you aren’t successful in on Friday could re-appear on Monday

5. Be Online Savvy

Gone are the days of in-store shopping. Online is dominating the retail market and 2016 is the year that Black Friday has worked to push its online presence. Once you know what retailers will be offering online discounts, you can start downloading apps, searching for additional discount codes and spend time going through comparison sites. The possibility of online shopping is endless and most importantly you don’t even have to get out of bed.


All in all, Black Friday is set to be huge this year. With the UK seeing rising prices after Brexit and the US reeling from their new President, people are going to be shopping hard this year. Christmas may be a tough time for many people’s wallets meaning more and more will revert to Black Friday for saving money at the festive period in 2016. Get prepared for the digital mayhem that could ensue and be ready for the perfect deals.